A Project funded by the Public Health Agency of Canada’s Intersectoral Action Fund
This project is an intentional extension of CBRC’s ongoing collaborative work to prevent and end conversion “therapy” practices in Canada.
View our coalition establishment announcement on CBRC’s website here.
Project Objective & Overview
CBRC and our partners are working to create a broad, intersectoral, and community-led national coalition to end conversion practices in Canada, expand and support 2S/LGBTQIA+ advocacy, and mobilize efforts for maximum impact on Canadian legislation and policies.
The project will mobilize new and existing partners, including survivors, 2S/LGBTQIA+ community organizations, academics/researchers, legal experts, mental healthcare organizations, and affirming faith groups to lead work across 3 priority action areas: 1) partnership development, 2) community and stakeholder education, and 3) legal, research, and policy analysis.
The Coalition Advisory Committee is survivor-led, and includes representatives from the following partner organizations and communities:
- Affirming Connections (The United Church of Canada)
- Canadian Centre for Gender and Sexual Diversity
- Canadian Mental Health Association, Toronto and National
- Egale Canada
- Fondation Émergence
- Immigrant Services, YMCA Greater Halifax/Dartmouth
- Mubaadarat Collective, SWANA QT Muslim faith community, and Unity Mosque
- No Conversion Canada
- Nova Scotia College of Social Workers
- Queer Interfaith Coalition
- Reform Jewish Community of Atlantic Canada
- Rainbow Faith and Freedom
- Simon Fraser University
- École de Santé publique de l’Université de Montréal
- Wisdom to Action
If you have any questions, please email info@cbrc.net “Attn: IAF Coalition Project Coordinator”.